The word (part I)

Ø  Bernyanyi adalah Hidupku♡ dan bagiku Tiada Hari tanpa bernyanyi (:
Ø  Di balik sebuah nama ada sebuah kisah hidup.
Ø  I can do anything just not everything
Ø  Perasaanku selalu tersembunyi dan mereka pun tidak mengetahuinya, termasuk sahabatku
~ My feelings are always hidden and they did not know, including my best friend..
Ø  Do not believe in anyone, except me ♥ε˘`)
Ø  Kau membuatku sadar, ternyata sejak awal.. aku tak pernah dibiarkan sendirian..
~ You made me realize.. Apparently since the beginning, I was never to be left alone..
Ø  Fell and made ​​me feel small in this world. Disappointed and stopped me to trust other people. Betrayed and made ​​me pessimistic about the love.
Ø  You're keep to cheer and say everything will be fine. Incessantly believe I can achieve whatever I like when others doubted.
You made me feel worthwhile.                        
Ø  I'm not going to complain just for you, but why are you not aware, too?
Ø  Honestly, I'm tired fighting continue. But for your sake I will not give up.
Ø  do not care about anybody else says, just believe in yourself and my heart. :p
Ø  Just Say : “Peace”, because I was always fun. Hehe :D
Ø  Singing it’s my world * forbidden to comments*
Ø  Don't underestimate the things that I will do!-..-
Ø  Selalu melakukan hal konyol *peace*
~ always doing silly things *peace*
Ø  They keep me thinking that we almost had it all..
~ semua itu membuatku terus bepikir bahwa kita hamper lewati semua itu..
Ø  Tak sanggup kurasakan semua itu, tanpamu..
Ø  We could have had it all..
~ kita bias melewati semua ini..
Ø  Tears are gonna fall, and you still do not care?
~ Airmata akan jatuh, dan engkau masih tidak peduli?
Ø  Belajarlah dari masa lalu, hiduplah untuk masa depan.. jangan lupakan masa lalu mu, karena itu sangat berharga.. ok?

Please, don't copas. okey?? copas ? boleh =)
don't forget, follow my twitter @Shaninnaa .
i need big followers.. thanks
Tunggu part yang ke-2 yaa.. makasih udah visiting in my blog =)

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